

Name: Katherine Markovich Class Level: PhD 3rd year Major: Hydrologic Sciences
Austin, Texas native she was drawn to UC Davis in equal parts by the university and the region. As an undergraduate student in love with research, she encountered UC Davis’ Climate Change, Water, and Society Integrative Graduate Education Research . Read more.


Picnic Day
LAWR showcased its projects, faculty, and students at Picnic Day surrounded by the beautiful architecture of its home in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Building. Read more...


Name of Class:
SSC105 - Field Studies of Soils in California Ecosystems
Whys is this course unique? Besides the fact that it is fun camping across the state of California for two weeks, there is no better way to learn about soils, vegetation and the ecosystems Read more...


Name of Project: S.H.I.R.A. (Spawning Habitat Integrated Rehabilitation Approach)
Project Description: Experimental river rehabilitation projects are designed and implemented to improve instream habitat and mitigate against the impacts of dams. Students help Read more...