Giving Opportunities

Jan Hopmans; schlarship recipient, Sandrine Journet; scholarship recipient, Tony Orozco; scholarship donor, Dr. Match Olney; and scholarship recipient, Julie Baker

The Department of Land, Air and Water Resources (LAWR) is among the top environmental academic programs in world. It is the people within the department that make this success possible. Our students and faculty can most effectively maintain this excellence with your philanthropic support.

Impacts on Students
Scholarships support helps us attract and retain the best students. Our instruction is unique and we want to keep it accessible to students, regardless of their financial situation. Funding is a big factor when a student chooses a university. Due to the international reputation of LAWR, we receive applications from the best students. These students also get offers from private universities, however, and scholarship funding often plays a part in the students’ decision to study at UC Davis.

Students also benefit from gifts to LAWR’s Opportunity Fund which funds research programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. Two Opportunity Fund awards of $750-$1,000 are made each spring to one undergraduate and one graduate student. The awards are made on the basis of merit to students who have excellent academic records and participate in activities that have added breadth and depth to their education. These awards provide an incentive and a reward for excellence.

Impacts on Faculty
Gifts also support the research, teaching, and outreach efforts of our Faculty who are working to answer important questions about our environment focused on four interdisciplinary areas of climate change, environmental quality, landscape interfaces, and sustainable agriculture. Gifts to specific projects help faculty make targeted investments, including a field course for students, travel to a research site, or the purchase of equipment. Endowment support provides valuable funding that allows faculty to respond to opportunities over the long term. The department currently seeks to endow a Endowed Chair in Air Quality to tackle some of the most urgent air quality concerns that we face, train new scientists, and inform policy.

LAWR has a track record of receiving generous donations and helping donors meet their Philanthropic goals.

Contribute Online

Contribute online at

You can also contribute via mail

To make your gift to LAWR, please make your check payable to the UC Davis Foundation and send to:

Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources
1110 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616

For questions about giving or for more information on how to make a gift for a specific project or facility , please contact Cari DuBois-Wright at 510388-3605, , or our Chair, Will Horwath at 530-752-2199,