The Bi-Weekly Beet is a SA&FS newsletter that keeps students up to date on campus and community events, posts jobs, internship, scholarship, and volunteer opportunities, has SAFS faculty and advisor information, and important dates and deadlines. It is sent out twice a month, and you can see archives of recent ones below!
Bi-Weekly Beet 01/17/2023
Welcome back to Winter Quarter, Kim Stanley Robinson Event, Office Hours Announcement, SAFS Meeting for Major Review, Sierra Harvest Farm Conference Announcement, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, and Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 12/01/2022
New Student Farm Director, Rewilding Society Officer Position, New Zealand Study Abroad Blog Feature, McNair Scholars Program, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, and Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 11/16/2022
Hands on the Land Weekend Trip Announcement, Winter Quarter Course Offerings, McNair Scholars Program, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, and Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 11/02/2022
Winter Quarter Registration, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 10/19/2022
Eco Garden Volunteer Day, Planning Opportunity for Alternatives in Agriculture Seminar, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 10/05/2022
Fall Quarter Welcome Event, Soil Judging Class, Undergraduate Research Week, Planning Alternatives in Agriculture Seminar, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, Scholarships
Bi-Weekly Beet 09/21/2022
Welcome to Fall Quarter, Peer Internship Coordinator Introduction, Fall Quarter Peer Advisor Office Hours Announcement, SAFS T-Shirts Available and New Design Wanted, Internships, Jobs, Volunteering, Scholarships