
Lower Division Courses

10. Water, Power, Society (3)
Lecture—2 hours; discussion—1 hour. Water resources issues. How water has been used to gain and wield socio-political power. Water resources development in California as related to current and future sustainability of water quantity and quality. Roles of science and policy in solving water problems. (Same course as Science and Society 10.) GE credit: SE or SS, SL. (III.) Fogg

47. Watershed Processes and Water Quality in the Tahoe Basin (2)
Lecture/laboratory—21 hours; fieldwork—9 hours; discussion—3 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: basic knowledge of environmental, soil, or hydrologic sciences. Course involves 3 days of instruction in Tahoe City. Watershed processes, runoff water quality management, and restoration in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Soils, precipitation-runoff, revegetation and adaptive management related to erosion control, effective solutions, and development of restoration strategies. Students develop and initiate field restoration. (Same course as Environmental Science and Management [ESM] 47.)—Grismer

92. Hydrologic Science Internship (1-12)
Internship—3-36 hours. Prerequisite: lower division student, consent of instructor. Work experience off and on campus in Hydrologic Science. Internship supervised by a member of the faculty. (P/NP grading only.)

98. Directed Group Study (1-5)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (P/NP grading only.)

Upper Division Courses

103N. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals (4)
Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: Physics 9B. Fluid mechanics axioms, fluid statics, kinematics, velocity fields for one-dimensional incompressible flow and boundary layers, turbulent flow time averaging, potential flow, dimensional analysis, and macroscopic balances to solve a range of practical problems. (Same course as Biological Systems Engineering 103.) GE credit: QL, SE, VL. TBD

110. Irrigation Principles and Practices (3)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: Physics 5A; Soil Science 100 recommended. General course for agricultural and engineering students dealing with soil and plant aspects of irrigation and drainage. Soil-water movement and storage, plant responses to irrigation regimes, water use by crops; procedures for determining frequency and depth of irrigation, drainage. Not open for credit to students who have completed Water Science 110.—III. (III.) Kisekka

115. Irrigation and Drainage Systems (4)
Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: Engineering 103A or course 103. Engineering and scientific principles applied to the design of surface, sprinkle and micro irrigation systems and drainage systems within economic, biological, and environmental constraints. Interaction between irrigation and drainage will be emphasized. Not open for credit to students who have completed Water Science 145. (Same course as Biological Systems Engineering 145.)—II. (II.) TBD

117. Irrigation Water Management (3)
Lecture—2 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: course 110 or 124. Irrigation principles of soil-water and plant-water relations with irrigation system characteristics and other factors into an analytical framework for irrigation water management. Case studies discussed. Not open for credit to students who have completed Water Science 172.—III. (III.) TBD

124. Plant-Water-Soil Relationships (4)
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: course 100; Soil Science 100 recommended, and one additional course in botany or plant physiology; or consent of instructor. Principles of plant interactions with soil and water environments and their applications in crop and environmental management. Includes nutrient and water uptake and transport; transpiration; soil processes affecting supplies; deficiencies and plant responses. Not open for credit to students who have completed Water Science 104.—III. (III.) Hsiao

134. Aqueous Geochemistry (6)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2B. The chemistry of natural waters; dielectric properties of water; thermodynamic and mass-action relations; metal hydrolysis; acid-base equilibria; metal-coordination chemistry; solubility calculations; electron-exchange reactions; and rate laws.—III. (III.) Hernes

141. Physical Hydrology (4)
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: Physics 9B, Mathematics 21B; course 100 recommended. Introduction to the processes that constitute the hydrologic cycle. Special emphasis on a quantitative description of the following processes: precipitation, infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, surface runoff, and groundwater runoff.—I. (I.) Puente

142. Systems Hydrology (4)
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: course 141 or Civil and Environmental Engineering 142. General course considering hydrologic processes from a systems or statistical model perspective. General probability concepts are applied to frequency, time series and spatial data analysis. Linear systems are also considered in conjunction with Kalman filter techniques.—II. (II.) Puente

143. Ecohydrology (4)
Lecture/discussion—3 hours; course 10 or course 141 or Environmental Science and Policy 1 or Environmental Science and Management 100 or Environmental Science and Management 108 or Environmental Science and Management 120 or Geology 1 or Geology 50 or Soil Science 100; or consent of instructor. Movement and storage of water in individual ecosystems and the integrated functioning of water and biota at the watershed scale. GE credit: OL, QL, SE, SL.—(I.) Pasternack

144. Groundwater Hydrology (4)
Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 16B or 21A; course 103 or Engineering 103 recommended. Fundamentals of groundwater flow and contaminant hydrology. Occurrence, distribution, and movement of groundwater. Well-flow systems. Aquifer tests. Well construction operation and maintenance. Groundwater exploration and quality assessment. Agricultural threats to groundwater quality: fertilizers, pesticides, and salts. (Same course as Hydrologic Science 144.) Offered alternate years. GE credit: QL, SE, SL, VL.—I. (I.) Harter

145. Water Science and Design (4)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: any one of the following or consent of instructor: Hydrology 141, Mathematics 16C, 17C or 21C. Introduction to watershed engineering, storm water management, design of hydraulic systems. Topics include hydrological risk analysis, flood routing, design storms, open channel flow, pipes, culverts, spillways, and detention basins. Class project and field trips will apply theory to real-life problems. GE credit: QL, SE, SL. (II.) Dahlke

146. Hydrogeology and Contaminant Transport (5)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—2 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: course 144 or Civil and Environmental Engineering 144 or the equivalent. Physical and chemical processes affecting groundwater flow and contaminant transport, with emphasis on realistic hydrogeologic examples. Groundwater geology and chemistry. Fundamentals of groundwater flow and transport analysis. Laboratory includes field pumping test and work with physical and computer models. (Same course as Geology 156.)—II. Fogg

147. Runoff, Erosion and Water Quality Management (3)
Lecture/laboratory—30 hours; fieldwork—15 hours; discussion—10 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: Physics 7B or 9B, Mathematics 16C or 21C, Civil and Environmental Engineering 142 or course 141 or Environmental and Resource Sciences 100. 5 days of instruction in Tahoe City. Practical hydrology and runoff water quality management from Tahoe Basin slopes. Development of hillslope and riparian restoration concepts, modeling and applications from physical science perspectives including precipitation-runoff relationships, sediment transport, and detention ponds. (Same course as Biological Systems Engineering [ABT] 147.)—Grismer

150. Water Law (3)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: Environmental and Resource Sciences 100 or 121 or consent of instructor. Principles and issues of California Water Law. Types of water rights, groundwater rights and management, and protection of instream uses. Water projects, role of federal government and federal/state relations. Basic water quality acts, endangered species act, water transfers and current water issues.—II.

151. Field Methods in Hydrology (4)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—3 hours; fieldwork—3 hours. Prerequisite: Environmental and Resource Sciences 100 or course 141. Measurement methods and data analysis for evaluation of water storage, movement and contamination in the field. Equipment such as data loggers, water and sediment samplers, pressure transducers, weather stations, surveying equipment, and flow meters will be used.—II. (II.) Pasternack

182. Environmental Analysis using GIS (4)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—4 hours. Prerequisite: Applied Biological Systems Technology 180 or the equivalent GIS experience and skills; general biology and/or ecology courses recommended. Ecosystem and landscape modeling with emphasis on hydrology and solute transport. Spatial analysis of environmental risk analysis including ecological risk assessment, natural resource management. Spatial database structures, scripting, data models, and error analysis in GIS. (Same course as Applied Biological Systems Technology 182.) Offered in alternate years.—III. Zhang

192. Hydrologic Science Internship (1-12)
Internship—3-40 hours. Prerequisite: completion of 84 units and consent of instructor. Work experience off and on campus in water science. Internship supervised by a member of the faculty. (P/NP grading only.)

198. Directed Group Study (1-5)
(P/NP grading only.)

199. Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates (1-5)
Prerequisite: senior standing. (P/NP grading only.)