92-09: Managing Irrigation in Fruit and Nut Trees During Drought
92-17: Water Quality Guidelines for Vegetable and Row Crops
92-19: Water Quality Guidelines for Trees and Vines
92-20: Water Balance Irrigation Scheduling Using CIMIS ETo
92-24: Coping With Declining Groundwater Levels
92-27: Using Shallow Ground Water for Crop Production
92-29: Irrigation Water Management Made Simple
92-30: Assessing Water Quality for Livestock Under Drought Conditions
92-32: Maintaining Water Quality for Irrigated Agriculture Under Drought Conditions
92-38: Field Use of Tensiometers
92-39: Field Use of Soil Moisture Blocks
92-41: Irrigation Scheduling for Low-Volume (Drip or Microsprinkler) Systems
92-51: Irrigation Scheduling of Surface-Irrigated Crops During a Drought
92-52: Irrigating Up Crops Efficiently With Sprinklers