Requirements for Minor

Minor Program. The minor in Atmospheric Science provides a broad treatment of weather and climate, with the option to focus on such topics as climate change, meteorological instrumentation, and satellite remote sensing. Students undertaking the minor should have completed minimum preparatory course work in calculus and physics (Mathematics 16A-16B, Physics 5A or 7A). Some upper division courses in Atmospheric Science have the Mathematics 21 and 22 series and the Physics 9 series as prerequisites.

Atmospheric Science 20-24
Atmospheric Science 60, 110 8
Four courses selected with the approval of the minor program adviser from upper division Atmospheric Science courses (excluding 192 or 199) or Environmental and Resource Sciences 131 12-16

Minor Adviser. Shua-Hua Chen

Graduate Study. You can specialize in particular areas of atmospheric science through graduate study and research leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. For details, see under the Graduate Group in Atmospheric Science. See also the Graduate Studies section in this catalog.

Related Courses. See Environmental Science and Policy 150A; Physics 104A, 104B; Environmental and Resource Sciences 131.