Graduate Courses
215. Advanced Hydroclimatology (3)
hours. Prerequisite: course 115. Theoretical and applied aspects of
energy and mass fluxes linking the earth’s surface, atmosphere, and
hydrologic system. Emphasis on regional scale analysis and modeling,
spatial data representation, and climate change influences on
precipitation and its hydroclimatic expression. Offered in alternate
221. Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics (3)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 121B. Conditions for instability
in stratified atmospheres; baroclinic instability; forced topographic
Rossby Waves; wave-mean flow interaction theory; tropical dynamics;
stratospheric dynamics.—II. (II.) Nathan
223. Advanced Boundary-Layer Meteorology (3)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 230. Characteristics of the
atmospheric boundary layer under convective and nocturnal conditions.
Heat budget at the surface and boundary layer forcing. Similarity theory
and scaling of the boundary layer. Measurement and simulation
techniques. Offered in alternate years.—(III.) Faloona
230. Atmospheric Turbulence (3)
hours. Prerequisite. course 121B or 158. Dynamics and energetics of
turbulence in the atmosphere including vorticity dynamics. Statistical
description of turbulence; Eulerian and Lagrangian scales, spectral
analysis, conditional sampling techniques. Turbulent diffusion; the
closure problem, gradient-diffusion and second-order methods. Offered in
alternate years.—III. Paw U
231. Advanced Air Pollution Meteorology (3)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisites: Course 149A, 160 and one course in fluid
dynamics. Processes determining transport and diffusion of primary and
secondary pollutants. Models of chemical transformation, of the
atmospheric boundary layer and of mesoscale wind fields, as applicable
to pollutant dispersion problems. Offered in alternate years.—(I.)
233. Advanced Biometeorology (3)
Lecture/discussion—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 133 or consent of
instructor. Current topics in biometeorology. Physical and biological
basis for water vapor, other gases, and energy exchange with the
atmosphere. Topics include modeling and measuring turbulent transport
from plant canopies, surface temperatures and energy budgets,
bio-aerosol physics and aerobiology. Offered in alternate years.—II. Paw
240. General Circulation of the Atmosphere (4)
Lecture/discussion—4 hours. Prerequisite: course 121B. Large-scale,
observed atmospheric properties. Radiation, momentum, and energy
balances derived and compared with observations. Lectures and homework
synthesize observations and theories, then apply them to understand the
large-scale circulations. Offered in alternate years—(II.) Grotjahn
241. Climate Dynamics (3)
hours. Prerequisite: course 121B. Dynamics of large-scale climatic
variations over time periods from weeks to centuries. Description of the
appropriate methods of analysis of atmospheric and oceanic
observations. Conservation of mass, energy and momentum. Introduction to
the range of climate simulations.—I. (I.) Ullrich
245. Climate Change, Water and Society (4)
Lecture/discussion—3 hours. Integration
of climate science and hydrology with policy to understand
hydroclimatology and its impact upon natural and human systems.
Assignments: readings, take-home examination on climate and hydrologic
science, paper that integrates course concepts into a research
prospectus or review article. Cross listed as HYD 245/ECL 245.—I. Fogg, Lubell, Ullrich
250. Meso-Scale Meteorology (3)
hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing, course 150, a course in partial
differential equations; or consent of instructor. The study of weather
phenomena with horizontal spatial dimensions between 2.5 and 2500
kilometers. Methods of observational study and numerical modeling of the
structure and temporal behavior of these weather systems. Offered in
alternate years.—I. Chen
255. Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere (4)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—6 hours. Prerequisite: course 121B and
Engineering 5; course 150 recommended. Principles of numerical modeling
of the dynamic, thermodynamic and physical processes of the atmosphere.
Hands-on experiments on model development using the shallow water
equations and the primitive equations. Operational forecast models.
Offered in alternate years.—I. Chen
260. Atmospheric Chemistry (3)
Lecture—3 hours.
Prerequisite: course 160. Chemistry and photochemistry in tropospheric
condensed phases (fog, cloud, and rain drops and aerosol particles).
Gas-drop and gas-particle partitioning of compounds and effects of
reactions in condensed phases on the fates and transformations of
tropospheric chemical species. Offered in alternate years.—(III.)
265. The Art of Climate Modeling (3)
Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 121A; experience with computing strongly recommended. Introduction
to global climate modeling. Earth-system models from around the world.
Numerical discretizations of horizontal and vertical dynamics.
Diffusion, filters and fixers. Parameterization of fine-scale processes.
Massively parallel supercomputing for climate. Model evaluation and
intercomparison. Offered in alternate years.—III. Ullrich
270A-G. Topics in Atmospheric Science (1-3)
Discussion—1-3 hours. Applications and concepts in (A) Meteorological
Statistics; (B) Computer Modeling of the Atmosphere; (C) Design of
Experiments and Field Studies in Meteorology; (D) Solar and Infrared
Radiation in the Atmosphere; (E) Aerosol and Cloud Physics; (F)
Atmospheric Chemistry; (G) General Meteorology.—I, II, III. (I, II,
290. Seminar (1)
Seminar—1 hour. Prerequisite:
graduate standing in Atmospheric Science or related field. Current
developments in selected areas of atmospheric research. Topics will vary
according to student and faculty interests. (S/U grading only.)—I, II,
III. (I, II, III.)
291A-F. Research Conference in Atmospheric Science (1-3)
Lecture/discussion—1-3 hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Review and discussion of current literature and research in: (A) Air
Quality Meteorology; (B) Biometeorology; (C) Boundary Layer Meteorology;
(D) Climate Dynamics; (E) General Meteorology; (F) Atmospheric
Chemistry. May be repeated up to a total of 6 units per segment. (S/U
grading only.)—I, II, III. (I, II, III.)
298. Group Study (1-5)
Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor. (S/U grading only.)
299. Research (1-12)
Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor. (S/U grading only.)
Professional Courses
396. Teaching Assistant Training Practicum (1-4)
Prerequisite: graduate standing. May be repeated for credit. (S/U grading only.)—I, II, III. (I, II, III.)