Professor of Atmospheric Science
Email: trnathan@ucdavis.edu
Office: 239 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-752-1609
Fax: 530-752-1793
My research is fundamental in nature and focuses on the physical and dynamical mechanisms that govern the evolution of large-scale circulation systems in Earth's atmosphere. My research involves combining observations with advanced mathematical techniques to study climate dynamics, tropical- mid-latitude interactions, stability of geophysical fluid flows, atmospheric waves, and the interactions among radiation, ozone and dynamics in the stratosphere. My current research focus is centered on the role of Saharan dust storms on hurricane development; the effects of weather and climate on the trans-Atlantic slave trade; and the historical connection between photography and atmospheric science.
B.S. Atmospheric Science and Mathematics - State University of New York, Albany
M.S. Atmospheric Science - State University of New York, Albany
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science - State University of New York, Albany
Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group, Chair, 1996-2002
Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics, Member, 1990-present
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group, Member, 1990-present
ATM 5 : Global Climate (3 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 121 : Atmospheric Dynamics (3 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 121 : Atmospheric Dynamics (3 Units, Spring Quarter)
ATM 221 : Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics (3 Units, Winter Quarter)
SAS 40 : Photography: Bridging Art and Science (3 Units, Spring Quarter)
ATM 270 : Geophysical Waves (3 Units, Winter Quarter)