Monier, Erwan

Headshot of Erwan Monier - 7231

Associate Professor
Office: 247 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-754-1837 Personal Professional Website:
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Dr. Monier's research explores novel methods to examine the interactions between the human and Earth systems, relying on a variety of approaches, including the development and use of process-based models, empirical/statistical data-driven models and observational data analysis. His Global Environmental Change Lab applies interdisciplinary approaches to examine the co-evolution of human and natural systems in the face of global environmental change with three major areas of focus: 1) the land system, including agriculture, forest productivity and health, wildfires, and biodiversity; 2) the interaction among climate, air quality and human health; and 3) the impacts of global environmental change on the global biogeochemical cycles.

M.Eng. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics - National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, ENSEEIHT
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science - University of California, Davis

Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
Geography Graduate Group

ATM 245 : Climate Change Science and Impacts (4 Units, Fall quarter)
SAS 9 : Crisis in the Environment (4 Units, Winter quarter)
ATM 133 : Biometeorology (4 Units, Winter quarter)