Professor and Specialist in Cooperative Extension
Email: thharter@ucdavis.edu
Office: 125 Veihmeyer Hall
Phone: 530-752-2709
Fax: 530-752-5262
Personal Professional Website:
Flow and transport processes in groundwater and in the vadose zone; non-point source pollution of groundwater; groundwater remediation; groundwater resources management; geostatistics; stochastic analysis; numerical modeling. Projects: groundwater quality impacts from confined animal facilities; nitrogen fluxes in a deep heterogeneous vadose zone; transport of Cryptosporidium parvum in unconsolidated sediments; stochastic analysis of salinity migration in deep aquifer systems; conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater resources; fate and transport of emerging contaminants.
B.S. Physical Geography, Hydrology, Physics, Botany - Universitat Freiburg, Germany
M.S. Physical Geography/Hydrogeology, Geology and Soil Science - Universitat Freiburg, Germany
Ph.D. Hydrology, Applied Mathematics - University of Arizona
Graduate Group Membership:
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Group
Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group
Applied Math