Professor and Climate Dynamicist
Email: grotjahn@ucdavis.edu
Office: 231 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-752-2246
Fax: 530-752-1793
Personal Professional Website:
Extreme weather and climate events; synoptic/dynamic meteorology; climate simulation; general circulation and geophysical fluid dynamics; trends in climate indicators relevant to application sectors.
B.S. Atmospheric Science - University of Washington, Seattle
M.S. Meteorology - Florida State University,Tallahassee
Ph.D. Meteorology - Florida State University,Tallahassee
Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group
Applied Mathematics Graduate Group
ATM 10 : Severe and Unusual Weather (3 Units, Fall Quarter)
ATM 111 : Weather Analysis and Prediction (3 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 111L : Weather Analysis and Prediction Laboratory (2 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 150 : Computer Methods in Meteorology (4 Units, Fall Quarter)
ATM 240 : General Circulation of the Atmosphere (4 Units, Fall Quarter)