Professor of Meteorology and Mesoscale Meteorologist
Email: shachen at ucdavis dot edu
Office: 235 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-752-1822
Fax: 530-752-1793
Personal Professional Website:
Regional climate, air pollution, model development, severe weather, cumulus parameterization, data assimilation and numerical schemes.
B.S. Atmospheric Sciences - National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
M.S. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Ph.D. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group
Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics
ATM 60 : Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics (4 Units)
ATM 250 : Mesoscale Meteorology (3 Units)
ATM 255 : Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere (4 Units)