Weare, Bryan C.

Professor of Meteorology and Meteorologist
Email: bcweare at ucdavis dot edu
Office: 247 Hoagland Hall
Phone: Office: 530-752-3445
Fax: 530-752-1793
Large scale ocean-atmosphere interaction; intraseasonal oscillation; global climatic change; satellite meteorology.

B.S. Physics - Bates College, Lewiston, Maine
Ph.D. Biophysical Sciences - State University of New York, Buffalo

Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group

ATM 5 : Global Climate (3 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 120 : Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Cloud Physics (3 Units, Fall Quarter)
ATM 128 : Radiation and Satellite Meteorology (4 Units, Winter Quarter)
ATM 241 : Climate Dynamics (3 Units, Fall Quarter)