Professor of Soil Science and Pedologist / Soil Mineralogist Russell L. Rustici Endowed Chair in Rangeland Watershed Sciences
Email: radahlgren@ucdavis.edu
Office: 3134 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building
Fax: 530-752-1552
Personal Professional Website:
Interactions of hydrological, geochemical, and biological processes in regulating groundwater and surface water chemistry; forest and rangeland biogeochemistry and trace element biogeochemistry.
B.S. Soil Science - College of Agriculture, North Dakota State University
M.S. Forest Soils - College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
Ph.D. Forest Soils/Soil Chemistry - College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
Graduate Group Membership:
Ecology Graduate Group
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group
SAS 9 : Crisis in the Environment? (3 Units, Spring Quarter)
SSC 10 : Soils in Our Environment (3 Units, Fall Quarter)
SSC 105 : Field Studies of Soil Resources (5 Units, Summer Quarter)
SSC 219 : Ecosystem Biogeochemistry (4 Units, Spring Quarter)