Professor of Soil Science and Genesis/Morphologist
Email: rjsouthard@ucdavis.edu
Office: 2148 Plant and Environmental Sciences Building
Phone: 530-758-2872
Fax: 530-752-1552
Soil genesis, morphology, and classification; soil-geomorphic relations; soil mineralogy; agricultural dust and PM-10.
B.S. Biology - Utah State University, Logan
M.S. Soil Science - Utah State University, Logan
Ph.D. Soil Science - North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Graduate Group Membership:
Soil Science Graduate Group
SSC 100 : Principles of Soil Science (5 Units)
SSC 105/205 : Field Studies of Soils in California Ecosystems (5 Units)
SSC 120 : Soil Genesis, Morphology and Classification (5 Units)
SSC 220 : Pedology (3 Units)