Two LAWR Undergraduate Researchers Win AMS Graduate Fellowships
Jared Trok and Abbey Williams both received graduate fellowships from the American Meteorological Society (AMS) to support their graduate work in atmospheric science starting next year. The AMS only awarded six total fellowships and so it is quite remarkable that UC Davis students received two! Jared graduated in the spring with a double major in atmospheric science and applied mathematics. He has been working with Prof. Erwan Monier on the relative influence of climate change and climate variability on ozone pollution across various regions of the world and is currently completing a first-authored manuscript on that work. Jared will be starting his PhD in Earth System Science at Stanford University with Prof. Noah Diffenbaugh. Abbey completed her degree in Marine and Coastal Science with Honors and a Departmental Citation last winter. She has been doing research with Prof. Adele Igel on aerosol-cloud interactions in Arctic clouds and currently has a first-authored paper in review at Geophysical Research Letters. She will be working with Prof. Lynn Russell at UC San Diego and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography on a PhD in Climate Sciences starting in the fall. Congratulations to our students!