Dr. Kosana Suvocarev was awarded ~ $3.5m from CAL-FIRE to co-lead the study on redwood’s forest health
Dr. Kosana Suvocarev was awarded ~ $3.5m from CAL-FIRE to co-lead the study on redwood’s forest health with Housen Chu from LBNL and other researchers across the two institutions (Holly Oldroyd, Troy Magney, Kyaw Tha Paw U, Sebastien Biraud, and Stephen Chan). The team will establish two forest integrated forest observatories with state-of-the-art measurements to generate continuous dataset of 100+ variables critical for redwoods forest health, management and climate change adaptation. Under the collaboration with several State Agencies, experts from advisory board and stakeholders, this research will provide knowledge for the gap in redwoods measurements on their water and carbon cycling. This and other projects led by Dr. Suvocarev and her lab align well with California’s Nature-Based Solutions Climate Targets announced on this Earth Day by Governor Gavin Newsom.