Monier, Erwan

Headshot of Erwan Monier - 7231

Associate Professor of Climate Change Impacts
Office: 247 Hoagland Hall
Phone: 530-754-1837 Personal Professional Website:

Dr. Monier's research explores the climate change and extreme weather impacts to various sectors of the economy and ecosystem services, including agriculture, terrestrial ecosystem health and wildfires. His Global Environmental Change research group applies interdisciplinary approaches to examine the co-evolution of human and natural systems in the face of global environmental change and to build the next generation of tools to explore the dynamics of the energy-water-land system and the interactions among climate, air quality and health.

M.Eng. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics - National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, ENSEEIHT
Ph.D. Atmospheric Science - University of California, Davis

Graduate Group Membership:
Atmospheric Science Graduate Group
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
Geography Graduate Group

ATM 10 : Severe and Unusual Weather (3 Units, Fall quarter)
ATM 245 : Climate Change, Water and Society (4 Units, Fall quarter)
SAS 9 : Crisis in the Environment (3 Units, Winter quarter)
ATM 133 : Biometeorology (4 Units, Winter quarter)

Member : LAWR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee